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Community Organizing...a dose of reality

I admit, being a McCain supporter, I certainly have my issues with Obama (such as the fact that he's woefully unqualified to be President), but the criticism of him for being a community organizer seems a little silly. Community organizing, according to Wikipedia, is:

Community organizing is a process by which people living in proximity to each other, are brought together to act in their common self-interest. Community organizers act as area-wide coordinators of programs for different agencies in an attempt to meet community needs for various services. Community organizers work actively, as do other types of social workers, in community councils of social agencies and in community-action groups.
The Wikipedia article goes on to talk about the history of community organizing, and how it goes back to well before the days of Saul Alinsky. It also shows that community organizing principles were used in the building of many grassroots groups, such as the Christian Coalition.

None of this is to say that Obama doesn't have faults, or that his community organizing is a great qualification for the Presidency. But I really think all the hyperventilating about his being a community organizer in Chicago and that being some nefarious evil thing are, in my mind, distractions from more substantive things, like his cozy relationship with Fannie Mae.



here's a lesson from the week on raising a little community organizer...
you may like this lesson learned this week about Free Lunches.

and where it took me on my thoughts about charity. .. oh yeah, and one of my early favorite father figures.. Andy of Mayberry.

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