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Tiernan asking legislature to look into Courtney' cozy dealings

The Oregonian is reporting that Oregon GOP Chairman Bob Tiernan is filing a complaint against Senate President Peter Courtney:

Tiernan has filed an ethics complaint against Senate President Peter Courtney, D-Salem, and says that he thinks there should be an investigation of Courtney's handling of a $175 million public works package. That bill, which calls for the state to borrow money to quickly begin work on a series of job-producing maintenance and repair projects, includes $30 million for Courtney's employer, Western Oregon

What's amazing to me (although maybe it shouldn't be) is some of the comments on the article:
Posted by jppatches on 02/03/09
at 10:34PM

Here we go - Tiernan AGAIN. This is the best possible thing that can happen for the Democrats and moderates - Tiernan's mean, angry approach will help to keep the conservatives on the same track they've been on for a long time. Interesting to see Tiernan's early actions as leader of the Republican party be in the negative, attacking tone rather than in any positive and constructive efforts.
Oh well, nothing has changed. Good on ya', Bob!


Posted by TheChinuk on 02/04/09
at 3:06AM

Well, really, what else can Mr T. do? He hates Democrats and he hates State Employees.Peter Courtney working for WOSU to him is double-evil. But hey, anything to prevent the business of the people from being done, yes? If those Republicans can't have power, they'll see to it that nobody does!!
Nyah hah hah!!!!

Apparently, it's dirty pool to ask that a legislator be investigated for clearly questionable behavior. You stay classy, Democrats.


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